Thursday, 26 November 2020

Year Six School Visit

 All the year six's go on this.

At lest once a year.




It was an ordinary

school morning destite

year fives had to switch classes

with out the year six's help.

The six were going on school visits.

Unknown number of winui kidsto Gizint to me.

Five winui kids going to Campeon to me.

Unknown number of winui kids to Intermediate to me.

I don't know what happend at Intermediate

or Gizint because I was at Campeon. 

We had to choose three out of four activities. 

I choose  art, sport and science.

Art was cool(and weird), 

sport was hard(and there was a rock climb that we weren't allowed to climb).

science was cool too(chemical reactions). 

And there was baking(which I didn't do).

All out of all of them I think this is my final podium:

<1> <Platinum>


:2: :Gold:


;3; ;silver;


^4^ ^Brons^


(cause I did not do it)

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Three Day Weekends






I don't know about you, but I think we should have: not one, not two,

but three... three day weekends. I don't know but it fells wrong

to have two day weekends. You know teaching is a very stressful

job(especially when kids don't listen). And in my head: 

that does not give enough time for teachers to reset:

1.  Their stress levels.

2.  Their mind.

3.  Too much time away 

from family.


And to back that up. I have reasons:

We need three day weekends because:

Teachers have lives too! We don't want them to

 turn into gruchy old slop(like captain underpants)!

They need time to do them.

Plus kids do too.

So I've come up 

with some reasons:


1.  Need time with the family.

2.  Need time to reset:

I.  Stress levels.

II.  Mind.

III.  Heath.

3.  And time with the 

outer family.


1 2 3 I II III.  Double that.


I mean. Spot the difference!

Bitewing two day                                                                                                                        and three day 

weekends.                                                                                                                                         weekends.

48 hours with family.                                                                                                      72 hours with family.

Bord kids.                                                                                                                                       Happy kids.

Constipated kids.                                                                                                             less constipated kids.

Kids bullied more.                                                                                                    kids dullied one day less.

Working kids and teachers.                                                                                            Teachers more happy.

too hard(especially because                                                           working kids and teachers at a good level.

teachers are under payed).

                  NO                                             See the difference yet?                                         YES

Well I put yes and no 

under which one suits it.

So you think what I'm thinking?

I say Three day weekends yes.

Two day weekends no.

If you don't agree or you

don't have enuf info reread

the ardicil.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Birds on an wire

 .Birds on a wire.

One bird came fluttering down neatly, scruffles it's 

teathers. Then chirps.

Another bird swoops down wiggles it's 

tail feathers then yawns(which makes 1st bird mad).

When you thought that's all the birds on the wire, another bird lands.

Followed by 21 more birds.

Then "CARR!" what was that the birds thought  as they 

turned to see there horrible demis.

Its a Big bird! du du du dun!

The birds make fun of the "Wired bird".

The big bird takes no efens.

Small birds move away.

Big bird comes closer.

Wire sinks.

small bird slides into big bird.

Big bird sings.

One bird pecks the big bird...


Big bird flips.

Two birds have a plan.

The two start pecking away at the big bird's feet.

Other birds start cheering them on.

1 off 2 off 3 off 4 off.

This is when bird two released......

they're fate.

 He tells the others.

But it's to late.

BOUNG! They go flying up

and plummeting down.

They hit the ground... completely naked!

They hide behind the big bird.

The lesson behind this is:

Treat others how you want to be.

Don't make fun of others for being different.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Our class NEEDS a class pet.

My Thoughts

Paragraph 1

We should get a class pet because, it will reduce kids talking about video games like: Terraria and minecraft. Replace that with the class pet like a fish or a lizard.

If we had a class pet we could study it and learn it’s behavior, what's natural and unnatural. We could even learn the food chain!

Plus we could do art on it.

My Reason

Paragraph 2

My reason for wanting a class pet is because:

Teach us responsibility.

It can educate us.

Make us treat others as we’d like to be treated.

Plus give us an extra friend.

My Explain

Paragraph 3

Like I mentioned in paragraph two and one… a class pet could:

Make us study it and learn it’s behavior, what's natural and unnatural. 

We could even learn the food chain!

Plus we could do art on it.

It could teach us responsibility.

It can educate us.

Make us treat others as we’d like to be treated.

Plus give us an extra friend.

My Thoughts 2

Paragraph 4

In my head it should be all go. So you gonna get one or not.