Thursday, 26 November 2020

Year Six School Visit

 All the year six's go on this.

At lest once a year.




It was an ordinary

school morning destite

year fives had to switch classes

with out the year six's help.

The six were going on school visits.

Unknown number of winui kidsto Gizint to me.

Five winui kids going to Campeon to me.

Unknown number of winui kids to Intermediate to me.

I don't know what happend at Intermediate

or Gizint because I was at Campeon. 

We had to choose three out of four activities. 

I choose  art, sport and science.

Art was cool(and weird), 

sport was hard(and there was a rock climb that we weren't allowed to climb).

science was cool too(chemical reactions). 

And there was baking(which I didn't do).

All out of all of them I think this is my final podium:

<1> <Platinum>


:2: :Gold:


;3; ;silver;


^4^ ^Brons^


(cause I did not do it)

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Three Day Weekends






I don't know about you, but I think we should have: not one, not two,

but three... three day weekends. I don't know but it fells wrong

to have two day weekends. You know teaching is a very stressful

job(especially when kids don't listen). And in my head: 

that does not give enough time for teachers to reset:

1.  Their stress levels.

2.  Their mind.

3.  Too much time away 

from family.


And to back that up. I have reasons:

We need three day weekends because:

Teachers have lives too! We don't want them to

 turn into gruchy old slop(like captain underpants)!

They need time to do them.

Plus kids do too.

So I've come up 

with some reasons:


1.  Need time with the family.

2.  Need time to reset:

I.  Stress levels.

II.  Mind.

III.  Heath.

3.  And time with the 

outer family.


1 2 3 I II III.  Double that.


I mean. Spot the difference!

Bitewing two day                                                                                                                        and three day 

weekends.                                                                                                                                         weekends.

48 hours with family.                                                                                                      72 hours with family.

Bord kids.                                                                                                                                       Happy kids.

Constipated kids.                                                                                                             less constipated kids.

Kids bullied more.                                                                                                    kids dullied one day less.

Working kids and teachers.                                                                                            Teachers more happy.

too hard(especially because                                                           working kids and teachers at a good level.

teachers are under payed).

                  NO                                             See the difference yet?                                         YES

Well I put yes and no 

under which one suits it.

So you think what I'm thinking?

I say Three day weekends yes.

Two day weekends no.

If you don't agree or you

don't have enuf info reread

the ardicil.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Birds on an wire

 .Birds on a wire.

One bird came fluttering down neatly, scruffles it's 

teathers. Then chirps.

Another bird swoops down wiggles it's 

tail feathers then yawns(which makes 1st bird mad).

When you thought that's all the birds on the wire, another bird lands.

Followed by 21 more birds.

Then "CARR!" what was that the birds thought  as they 

turned to see there horrible demis.

Its a Big bird! du du du dun!

The birds make fun of the "Wired bird".

The big bird takes no efens.

Small birds move away.

Big bird comes closer.

Wire sinks.

small bird slides into big bird.

Big bird sings.

One bird pecks the big bird...


Big bird flips.

Two birds have a plan.

The two start pecking away at the big bird's feet.

Other birds start cheering them on.

1 off 2 off 3 off 4 off.

This is when bird two released......

they're fate.

 He tells the others.

But it's to late.

BOUNG! They go flying up

and plummeting down.

They hit the ground... completely naked!

They hide behind the big bird.

The lesson behind this is:

Treat others how you want to be.

Don't make fun of others for being different.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Our class NEEDS a class pet.

My Thoughts

Paragraph 1

We should get a class pet because, it will reduce kids talking about video games like: Terraria and minecraft. Replace that with the class pet like a fish or a lizard.

If we had a class pet we could study it and learn it’s behavior, what's natural and unnatural. We could even learn the food chain!

Plus we could do art on it.

My Reason

Paragraph 2

My reason for wanting a class pet is because:

Teach us responsibility.

It can educate us.

Make us treat others as we’d like to be treated.

Plus give us an extra friend.

My Explain

Paragraph 3

Like I mentioned in paragraph two and one… a class pet could:

Make us study it and learn it’s behavior, what's natural and unnatural. 

We could even learn the food chain!

Plus we could do art on it.

It could teach us responsibility.

It can educate us.

Make us treat others as we’d like to be treated.

Plus give us an extra friend.

My Thoughts 2

Paragraph 4

In my head it should be all go. So you gonna get one or not.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

FossIlised past!

 How FOSSIL HUNTER'S Changed the way we think about 

the past!



I’ll give you a short Intro for each 


  1. William Buckland.

Name in history: Buckland.

Why he is a FOSSIL hunter: Because he 

uncovered the first dinosaur fossils.

  1. William Devonshire saull.

Name in history: unknown.

Why he is a FOSSIL hunter: Because he 

uncovered iguana like fossils.

  1. Richard Owen.

Name in history: Owen.

Why he is a FOSSIL hunter: Because he 

became intrigued in FOSSIL’S.

  1. Marsh.

Name in history: Marsh.

Why he is a FOSSIL hunter: Because he 

uncovered a good 46% of FOSSIL’S.

5. Cope.

Name in history: Cope.

Why he is a FOSSIL hunter: Because he

 uncovered a good 42% of FOSSIL’S.

6. Modern hunters

Name in history: unknown

Why he/ she is a FOSSIL hunter: Because he/ she

digs non stop in: rain and boiling sun

Paragraph 1

William Buckland

Our story starts here with William Buck land:

William Buckland was a 72 year old man.

He changed the world by: 

Finding the worlds first:


A megalosaurus to be exact.

Buckland thought they belonged

to a larger, and ancient version of a 

modern reptile.

Paragraph 2

William Devonshire Saull

William Devonshire Saull was a 72 year old man.

He changed the world by:

Finding the worlds first:


He named It after a modern

day iguana, because Iguanodon’s

Thumb looks alot like an iguana's fang!

Paragraph 3

Richard Owen

Richard Owen was a 88 year old man.
He changed the world by:

Crating the word: 




And completed the 

Puzzles of the two


And the rest to 


Paragraph 4


Marsh is probably the most

famous fossil hunter in, 


Altho Marsh is 

probably the most

 famous. He still makes

some mistakes like the time

when he:

Thought he uncovered a new dinosaur:

                             BRONTOSAURUS which means THUNDER LIZARD!

He later was sued for renaming:

                             APATOSAURUS which means DECEPTIVE

LIZARD!     Both wer sauropods      pronounced:   saur ’ o ‘ pods

Paragraph 5


Cope was a close second 

to Marsh in fame.

But Cope also 



Mistakes to

Like the time:

He put the head of a plesiosaur … on the end of it’s


Pronounced:     please ‘ e ’ o ‘ saur

Paragraph 6

Modern day

And now our story ends here, or has it?

We are STILL looking for fossils!

And … we have been successful!

Plus we’ve got ourselves:

Experts, new comers and 

Most important of all ,,,


All together, 

We’ve roughly uncovered 700

 different species of dinosaurs.

Friday, 18 September 2020



Week 9 has been a real jumbled up week. Just take a look!:


Room two and room three moved to the hall because of some 

renovating that's going to happen to room two and room one.

and when I say that I mean tearing down the walls

in the middle of them.

I was a long and painful process.

All in total it took two days.


The school went to Pihitai Station but because of COVID -- 19 

crowd control it was shortened in to two visits.

WOW A COW we found out how creem and

butter is made... Its made be just continuously

shaking milk. 

we also herd native bird sounds out of a 

U-y boom.

and a ton of other stuff like cute dogs, sheep, a cruel 

person, some sheep's wool being shaved off its flesh,

how framer communicate with each other, a drone

and as you can see thats alot for just

one day!.


Nothing too crazy happened on Wednesday.

All we did was watch a movie with the rest of the cindercat.

Moana cindercat watched:

THE SLEEPOVER also on netflix.

The description was:

What would you do if your parents got kidnaped by a group of

international thevs?

THE SLEEPOVER is complete with a set of super agent spy tek

with a limited edition supercar, AND A LASER PEN!

Thursday and friday:

Thursday and friday are petty ordinary days.

The ordinary stuff was priorities and yeah

that's basically it.

Thursday, 10 September 2020


 Describe some form of pollution.

Forms of pollution come in:

1. Gas pollution, wich:

Makes the air around us harder to enpaull the air.

2. Littering, which

  1. kills Fish, birds and other animals 

  2. Makes a mess 

  3.  Creates gas pollution 

  4. Wastes our time

  5. Water unclean

  6. Kills 5000 people each day because they drink unclean water. 

Why is pollution dangerous?

 Pollution is dangerous because:

  1. Gas Pollution, why?:

The air around us sick and harder to impale which makes Early people more vulnerable to the gas.

  1.  littering, why?:

Littering is not dangerous in the short shot, but it's dangerously lethile in the long shot.

If you look at the long shot you'll probably see this:

  1. Litter would pollute the sea.

  2. Kill all fish and birds.

  3. Then it would Pollute and turn the water in the sea into toxic water and that's the end of Sponge Bob.

  4. It would evaporate into the clouds.

  5. The rain would be toxic. 

  6. Trees would suck up the toxic rain swivel Up and Die.

  7. No more trees = No more orygon. 

  8. No more oxygen = No more life on earth.

What can we do to reduce pollution?

Well nothing exsakle excepted bid the plastic company to stop.

But maybe this might work? Me no know:

  1. Bid them to stop.

  2. If they don’t stop send them to jail

  3. Fors them and clean up crow to help pick up all the trash around the glob.

  4. Destroy the fartery / hide the evidence.

What might happen if we don’t get pollution under control?

Well if we don’t get pollution under control this might happen:

  1. Gas pollution could attack the elderly people and make the air harder to enpaull. In some places gas pollution is so bad that by the time 2030 people will need an oxygen pump to survive.

  2. Litter will be blown into the sea. If you look at the long shot, this might happen:

1. Litter would pollute the sea.

2. Kill all fish and birds.

3. Then it would Pollute and turn the water in the sea into toxic water and that's the end of Sponge Bob.

4. It would evaporate into the clouds.

5. The clouds would be toxic.

6. The rain would be toxic. 

7. Trees would suck up the toxic rain swivel Up and Die.

8. No more trees = No more orygon. 

  1. No more oxygen = No more life on earth.

So your bassicle

 Just risking the fath of the world just to litter… do you really want to do that?

Tuesday, 1 September 2020


 Why is LITTERING so bad?

Littering is bad because:

1. It makes our place/town/city look unclean.

2. It can/might cost you/us cash.

3. It KILL'S wild life.

4. It wast's time for the pick up group/ kind locals.

5. If you litter, your adding onto an island of trash, that is responsible for slaying more than six hundy thourson fish and bird in an year.

Who's responsibleat do you think it is to pick up litter, and why?

I think it's  your own responsibleat for your litter, your just lucky that some really nice people (or the clean up group) sacrificed they're time to:

1. Clean the streets.

2. Clean the meeting place (that is if you have one).

3. Clean the local area.


Where would you like to organise a litter pick up in your local area, and why?

I would organise a trash collecting party next to the local area (that's if we have one) (I think the local area is the park? me no know, yeah defiantly the park).

The reason for that is because:

1. It might be the local area.

2. lots of people go there.

3. there could be alot or trash there.

How could people be encouraged to litter less in your local area?

Probably doing dis stuff:

1. Give them a fine of one hundy or so.

2. Make them pick up all the trash in the local area.

3. Water the grass and all the guardians.

4. Feed the ducks.

5. Polish the path way.

6. Clean the water fontan.

7. Clean the treacherous toilet.

8. If they're lucky: feed the parrots and clean the parrot's cage.

Thursday, 27 August 2020


 What are the benefits of reading?

The benefits of reading are:

1. Getting a better job/getting your dream job.

2. Helping with loneliness.

3. Helps with mental health problems.

4. You can eachakat your self like:

I. Lean how to cook.

II. the history of dinosaurs.

III. kean maths problems.

You can also find a love for books.

So start reading now.

How often do you read

and what sort of books? 

I read books often, at least one chapter a night, of the BIG word for kids... 

I think it's a bible?.. me no know. So all that has happened is:

1. Jesus has walked on water with saint Peter.

2. John the baptist's head has been cut off.

3. Jesus has cursed a fig tree.

4. Judas has turned on Jesus.

5. Judas bought an army to Jesus.

6. Jesus speaks of his death over and over again.

7. Jesus speaks of Heaven and Hell!

What is your favourite book,

and why?

I actually don't have a fav,watea sec......hmm yeah I don't have a fav.

 But I am into the BIG word for kids, and like I said in paragraph two. 

The thing I said was:

1. Jesus has walked on water with saint Peter.

2. John the baptist's head has been cut off.

3. Jesus has cursed a fig tree.

4. Judas betray Jesus.

5. Judas bought an army to Jesus.

6. Jesus speaks of his death over and over again.

7. Jesus speaks of Heaven and Hell!

What is the best part about reading?

The thing about reading is probably ganing knowledge.

 I no know, the thing is, the best thing for you could be:

1. Knowledge ganing.

2. Wanting to just read.

3. liking a big/ short story line.

Or much other.

Thursday, 20 August 2020


 Are mobile phones a good thing for kids, and why?

Mobile phones are/aren't good for kids because;

X 1. kids can download an INappropriate app and hide it.

X 2. Kids can become addicted and sneak on it when he/she/they're not allowed.

X 3. Kids can/will spend like $50 bucks or more no a game... just take the $50 or more bucks out of they're wolit/bank account.

X 4. Kids can/might have a contact with someone dangerous for say Trent and/or JustDustin or they might have a contact of a contact.

TICK 5. Kids can contact each other and talk when they out of talking rang.

TICK 6. Your kids can tell you if they're going  to be late home  or have had an accident.

Just then I showed you bad/X and good/TICK reasons for you're kids to  get/not get a mobile phone.

How could a mobile phone help you both in and out of school?

I don't know. I really don't know this one. I think tho, a mobile phone could help with... research, maby, I no know... but I think  phones could, ummmm... hmmm AHH I've got  it kids could use phones in'n'out of school to drum roll please dun-brbrbrbr CUT kids can use phones to........ EDUCAT they're self.


What are the risks of kids owning a mobile phone?

The risks of a kid owning a mobile phone are

1. kids can download INappropriate apps, hide it and lie about it.

2. Kids can become addicted like me ,and sneak on it when they're not allowed.

3. Kids can/will spend like $50 bucks or more no a game... just take the $50 or more bucks out of they're wolit/bank account.

4. Kids can/might have a contact with someone dangerous for say Trent and/or JustDustin or they might have a contact of a contact.

At what age do you think kids should be allowed a mobile phone, and why?

The age I would think would be mucher and responsabile enough to have a mobile phone would be ten. Not just for me "cause I'm ten hay hay." I think age ten because tn is... ummm whats the words??.. AH! that's the words. Age ten is mucher and kids age ten is also responsible.

Thursday, 13 August 2020



Success for me means: achieving/achieved something I worked/working hard on... like now. I'm working on my Q write (Quickwrite) and my blog post. Achieved means finished something  you are really proud of, so you should try to achieve success. Once you achieve success you'll fell proud of your self.


MY way of measuring success is:

Setting  goals and each time you make some progress, be proud.

YOUR way of measuring success can/will/will not be different to my one, for example your way could be:

1. Each time you make a bit of progres be  happy.

2. Set goals.

3. Make a list and tick it off one by one.


It DOES NOT matter if you always succeed, because you've tried.

👌1.You've tried and you now know that you just can't do it YET!

👎2. You've tried and you don't know, you think it's impossible...and you quit!

👌👎 You've tried, you've  achieved success and you  know how to do it next time.